Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Who said that?

Let’s all play a game. I call this game “Who said that?”

“Shoot BOOBS!”
“Mommy do it!”
“Cook BOOBS!”
“ewww, nasty!”
“Uh-oh, Holley cry again!”

There is no multiple choice answer key, because all of these statements were issued by my toddler. Boobs, by the way, are birds. He turned 2 last month and since then, has become the king of silly phrases. He’s not very sure what “silly” really is, though, so his breakfast cereal could be silly, or Mommy could be silly when she’s putting him to bed. He has mastered the fake guffaw, when he thinks he’s supposed to laugh at something silly, though. And it’s hilarious. Like every mother, I think my two year old is funnier than most.

Joshua antics lately, though, get me going. For instance, if I say to him, “Look me in the eye when I’m speaking to you,” Joshua simply MUST grab both of my cheeks and put his nose tip to mine, and stare wide-eyed into my eyes. Now, I ask you, how do you punish THAT without laughing your head off?

Today I thought he had a slight fever and he was acting very mean toward his sister, very unusual behavior for him. Sure, he’s ignored her and fussed about her but not cruel like today. So I asked him, “Joshua, how do you feel?” I didn’t really think I’d get a straight answer, but without even a thought, he put his palm on my cheek, wiggled his fingers and said, “Like that.”

Over our Christmas holidays, enough people called Shaun by name that Joshua figured out that “Daddy” will answer to a different name! He puts a funny emphasis on it, and only does it to call Shaun’s attention, so it is shouted loudly. “Shaw-oon!” “Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy….*insert foot stamp here* SHAW—OON!” We have a little photo snowglobe that was given to us as a gift back before we got married. There is a picture of me and Shaun on both sides of it. When Joshua looks at it, he shows me, “Mommy, Daddy.” Then he turns it to the other side. “Mommy and Shaw-oon.” He will flip it back and forth repeatedly, “Daddy, Shaw-oon, Daddy, Shaw-oon.” The pictures are nearly identical, so we are not very certain why he thinks they are two different entities!

Holley started crying today. Joshua leaned over her and sighed a great over-dramatic sigh. “Holley, just stop.” He sounded just like his daddy. In the mornings it is usually, “Uh-oh, Holley’s cryin’!”

Over our holidays he enjoyed playing detective with my mother’s magnifying glass, so she gave it to him. I don’t usually approve of giving him everything he smiles at, but in this case, it has given us a lot of laughs around here. Holley was playing on the floor yesterday, and Joshua leaned over her with the magnifying glass and said…. “Hmmm…..wong you?” As in, “Hmmm, what’s wrong with you?” And in a completely bewildered voice that just had me rolling.

Just tonight, I was saying his prayers with him, and instead of watching him, I actually closed my eyes. Right between “Bless our family” and “Thank you for sending Jesus to us” he reached over and told me, “Mommy! Wake up! Prayin’!”

The last thing that makes us think, rather self-importantly, that our two year old is sillier than most? He got some trains for Christmas that absolutely MUST be tucked into the box and kissed goodnight now. Good for a laugh or two.

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