Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The librarian is BORED????
How in the world can a librarian be bored in the city? There are so many people, and hey, it's a LIBRARY! So many books, and all the day's news at her fingertips. The day had barely begun at 10:30 am for them. There was a children's group meeting there and about 11 little 5 year olds running around.
And yet, I believe she was bored. She sat at the check-in counter with that one-elbow-on-the-table-propping-up-her-head and a dazed sort of look in her eyes. When I put our videos on the counter, she just stared at them as if I was interrupting her game of solitaire on the computer just one click before she won the 1000th game.
And boy, oh boy, when I hauled Joshua up to the counter with the Eloise Takes A Bawth book that he had checked out, she looked at me like I was insane. Then the fun part came in.
"Joshua, show the librarian what you did to her book."
Joshua pointed at the book. "Uh-oh."
"Joshua, show her the page you tore out."
Blank stare--from both the librarian and the boy.
"I'm very sorry, but the page was torn and he got to it and finished the job."
She just stared at me.
"Joshua say you're sorry."(he still doesn't have this word, but any acknowledgement would do!)
Joshua promptly started pointing out the videos he'd borrowed.
"Buf!" The Magic School Bus
"No?"Frosty The Snowman
"Mah-mee?" OK, I don't know why he said Monkey--it was a learn to read video with no monkeys in it at all.
The librarian just raised her brows. "OK." And then ignored us.
So back into his stroller he went, feeling very pleased that he did not have to use up any of his dimes on a torn page. And me disgruntled that the librarian could have at least looked at the torn page and said something along the lines of "Oh no, we should never tear library books!" to reinforce my teachings.
I can anyone working in a library ever feel bored? If there are no patrons, pick up a book!!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Look very carefully at the above image. This is a portion of our living room AKA playroom. Yes, I know there are toys all over but if the kids are having fun, I merely require them to start learning to pick up their toys before bed. Honestly, this is a hit and miss mission, but it's there. Anyway, regarding this image: can you spot Joshua? Look as hard as you can and tell me where in this picture he is. He's there. The answer will appear at the end of today's post.
I'm baking my own bread now. It's really easy! I thought all this time that bread required a ton of work, and did I really want to throw my hat into that arena when Schwebel's Country Potato Bread is so yummy already? Well, I looked into it. I found a really fun and easy recipe! I have a recipe that takes a bit more effort from my cousin that I am going to try soon as well, but for now I am using a recipe for No-Knead Bread. It came out light and fluffy on the inside and crunchy on the outside, and just delicious. That's exciting for me, as every time I learn how to bake something new, I am super impressed with my bad self. ha.
I know I haven't posted this past several days and there is a very good reason for that. I have two under two. HA! Seriously, Joshua has required a lot of extra attention this week for being purely ornery. I don't know how else to describe it. He's biting, hitting, taking things(more like snatching) and running over his sister this week. And he can't figure out why this is bad. Sigh. He also loves on her, tries to change her diaper and her clothes, gives her a bottle and shares *some* of his toys. Holley decided this week to take an assertive level of interest in some of the toys and apparently her brother doesn't like to see her scootching around and snatching a ball out of the bin or a teether.
Holley is also teething. She went at some ice chips in a mesh feeder today as if they were the last food on earth that she could ever eat. She doesn't tolerate the Tylenol well on her tummy yet, we have only gotten two doses into her that stayed in her. The typical gels or teething tablets are lactose based, so mostly, she is going through this all by herself. On top of the reflux pains, we have had some crazy days! It is fun to watch her. She has decided that a cheek is the best thing to gnaw on. And so Joshua and I during the day get some random "hugs" from her. She grabs either cheek and holds my face still, then comes in as if she wants to give me kisses. Then she proceeds to eat my flesh. It's really funny, and if she's not yelling at us, this is how she spends her day.
OK. Are you ready for the answer to our quiz from up above?
Joshua was located :
HA! This is his new hobby.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I'm gonna go missing for the rest of this week. We just have too much on our plates at the moment we are redoing the apartment so that it is more "Serviceable" to our needs. Joshua got his own bedroom and is soooo excited! Anyway, I need to focus on the reorganization. I also have to put in several telephone calls and deal with some appointments with the kids and me so this is a crazy week. :-P
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Sleep is for Losers.
You know, ya put them down on time. Droopy eyes, lots of yawns, and off to bed. Brush our teeth, say our prayers, read two stories. Kisses good night and turn off the light. You've done your job. You're supposed to be rewarded by some peaceful and quiet slumber.
In this house, within 5 minutes of turning off the light, it is turned back on. Playtime ensues. No toys allowed in the bedroom? No problem, we can get around that! Simply unload the diaper shelf or the drawers of clothes. You want to be really funny, keep a stash of bedtime books right on the bedside dresser. They won't stay there, not even for one night. You want to see something like this:
and instead you find something like this:
A fantastic example would be last night. I finally fell asleep before Joshua did. The last time I checked, it was 10:30 pm. He'd been in bed for 3 hours. He was exhausted, struggling to keep his eyes open, and yet, it was the PERFECT time to SING!!! "doe doe dooooe, gah gah BYE!" over and over again. I recorded it, but my computer appears to have eaten the recording.
At any rate, I got up at 2 am to check the kiddies, and would you believe it, he was giggling in his sleep.
Holley, on the other hand, once she falls asleep, stays in mostly one place(something her brother didn't do the day he was born!) and SLEEPS. Yes, with the reflux, she grunts some in her sleep. Yes, with the reflux, she is propped up and arches her back, then slides down accidentally. But mostly, she's just.....still. And here I was preparing for another mover and shaker.
Anyone out in Web-World with any ideas about getting the boy to stay asleep, I'm all ears. Or eyes? hmmmmmm.....
And just for kicks, let me add to this. The first person to publish a comment or to call me personally with a "That's so cute" comment is getting punched in the face. It is obnoxious behavior, not cute, and it keeps us up all night long. So if you have a comment like that, please hope you are not the first!
In this house, within 5 minutes of turning off the light, it is turned back on. Playtime ensues. No toys allowed in the bedroom? No problem, we can get around that! Simply unload the diaper shelf or the drawers of clothes. You want to be really funny, keep a stash of bedtime books right on the bedside dresser. They won't stay there, not even for one night. You want to see something like this:
and instead you find something like this:
A fantastic example would be last night. I finally fell asleep before Joshua did. The last time I checked, it was 10:30 pm. He'd been in bed for 3 hours. He was exhausted, struggling to keep his eyes open, and yet, it was the PERFECT time to SING!!! "doe doe dooooe, gah gah BYE!" over and over again. I recorded it, but my computer appears to have eaten the recording.
At any rate, I got up at 2 am to check the kiddies, and would you believe it, he was giggling in his sleep.
Holley, on the other hand, once she falls asleep, stays in mostly one place(something her brother didn't do the day he was born!) and SLEEPS. Yes, with the reflux, she grunts some in her sleep. Yes, with the reflux, she is propped up and arches her back, then slides down accidentally. But mostly, she's just.....still. And here I was preparing for another mover and shaker.
Anyone out in Web-World with any ideas about getting the boy to stay asleep, I'm all ears. Or eyes? hmmmmmm.....
And just for kicks, let me add to this. The first person to publish a comment or to call me personally with a "That's so cute" comment is getting punched in the face. It is obnoxious behavior, not cute, and it keeps us up all night long. So if you have a comment like that, please hope you are not the first!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Helpful Hands
I have a Special Helper. You've heard of Mother's Helpers? A mother's helper comes over and takes over your dishes, laundry or simply watches the children so Mom can get a few minutes to herself, or just get housework done without someone tracking mud behind her while she mops.
Well, I'm not lucky enough to get a Mother's Helper. I got a Special Helper, though. My special helper does all sorts of things. He throws away old paper, water(ha ha), dirty diapers(the disposable kind, usually), hairballs, napkins, empty bottles, prescription creams, spatulas, breakfast bowls, Holley's clothes, clothing of his own that he doesn't care for.....
My special helper helps cook. He could flip a pancake right out of the pan and onto floor, even!
My special helper helps me with the baby. He feeds her her "Muk"(milk) even when she doesn't want it. He tries to dress her. He measures her just like they do at the doctor's office. He tried to give her a suppository. My special helper gives the baby lots of toys to play with. You've never heard a baby scream until you hear the scream of a baby upon whose head a tractor was dropped. If you've never seen the pre-anger-mostly-frustration face of a 3 month baby, check out the above pictures.
My special helper helps with laundry. He takes my laundry basket or pile and quite evenly distributes the dirty clothes around the room.
My special helper is an interior decorator. He often rearranges pictures, books and furniture so that we can most efficiently fill ALL the open spaces in the house.
My special helper cleans. He can dampen any rag with any contents of a sippy cup and go around wiping down household surfaces. Because life can never get sticky enough.
My special helper takes the place of my garbage disposal. In two easy steps, any leftover will disappear before your eyes. Step 1: slather ketchup on it. Step 2: had to Special Helper. Now watch and be amazed.
Yes, I have got quite the helper around here. Who needs any other assistance?
Monday, October 6, 2008
Moving to the Lake
That's right. I'm going to move to a lake. Any lake. Pond. Ocean. River. Any of these will do. And I don't mean waterfront property. I am going to comission someone to build us an underwater home.
Apparently, this is what will make my children happy. And I'm all about the happy child.
Joshua played in the bathtub for 2 full hours yesterday before I decided to release the parent in me and make him get out . He wasn't happy about that. 2 whole hours! Do you know what I can get done in two hours without him badgering me? Okay, I am not sure what I could get done. I spent the time online trying to find a good bargain on some organic terry diapers. But still....I think I could live like this. One 2 hour bath, every day.
Holley falls asleep in the bath. When she was on the hammock portion of ther baby bathtub, this was sort of understandable. Warm water pouring over her while she's nestled in the safety of a hammock. Shoot, I'd fall asleep under those conditions. But now, the hammock is off and she is in the baby bath. Immersed, and sitting up. She'll just let out a sigh while I'm washing her and the next thing I know, she's starting to drift off. Most babies cry when pulled from the bath, and I always assumed that was because wet plus naked equals cold. I'm pretty sure Holley just cries because I woke her up.
Holley has developed a fascination with cups, and will grab at any drink she can reach and stick her hands in, regardless of beverage. Joshua loves fountains and lever-style drink releasers(like on my fridge, bleh).
Over the course of potty training, Joshua has repeatedly peed on the floor. Instead of hiding from me or letting me know he had an accident, I often find him playing in it. Splish splash, mama, come join me. And look, my tractor can go through this puddle too! Sigh.
I am seriously considering this option. Maybe the "Sealab: 2021" animators know someone to hook me up with. ;) Just submerge us in water and the kids will never cry again.
hmmm, how would I deal with electricity?????
Friday, October 3, 2008
I seem to have misplaced......
My Mind. Has anyone found it? It might be underneath of Joshua's bed.
My son has taken it on himself to hide my daughter's diapers from me.
On my search around for them, I discovered things that shouldn't have been lost yet, seeing as how we've only lived here for a MONTH. I also discovered something vitally important to my child's personality. He thinks in a nuclear attack, he will survive with the provisions he makes under his bed. This is the only explanation I can find for why a 21 month old boy needs race cars, a stack of about 6 books, a cup, a spoon and fork, 3 different stuffed animals, a blanket and a small pillow, and several articles of clothing all stuffed under his bed. Never mind that he thinks he is taking his sister along with him. Being the protective big brother that he is, he had included pacifiers and baby pajamas in the mix. I guess I'm glad he thought of her, right???
A person could imagine, with the list I just provided, that I am ignoring him during the daytime, or that I don't clean my house. Let me just explain that this is all that happened since the last time I cleaned under his bed--last week!! Let me also explain that with the exception of the silverware(who knows how he managed that bit), this all happens either during naptime or, most frequently, during the middle of the night when he thinks it is cool to be awake.
Which is why my daughter sleeps in a crib in the living room for now. He will wake her up. It is making us loopy, because we have her things in there. That bedroom is for sleeping in. One crib, one bed. Period. But she is sleeping in the living room. I have been considering changing that situation....see poll to the right of this post.
The night wakings aside, he's a good boy. He listens....most of the time...and he tries to help. But his biggest deal is in the hide and hunt. He tried to hide the chicken I was thawing for dinner today. Sigh. What is a mama to do with a boy like this? I find things tucked into corners that I didn't know we even had. Today I set the mail on the table, and I came out of the bathroom to find him stuffing paper into the vacuum. We had to have a nice little chat about the vacuum just being for little paper.
And try asking him what he's done with something.... He doesn't know what you're talking about. Little Sneak.
I never did find the missing diapers.
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