Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Clean Milk

"Don't like shocklat milk. Joshie want CLEAN milk." I thought I'd reward Joshua with a treat and get him some sweet milk about 2 weeks ago. I only bought a quart because, well, soy milk is insanely expensive and to buy it in chocolate is just like tossing money into the candy well. I still have most of that quart. In an effort to be rid of it without being wasteful, since he HATES chocolate(recently got a clean allergy test for it, and we've been offering it in small doses now) we have been putting a splash of chocolate in with his regular milk. Literally, maybe 5% of the cup is actually the chocolate milk. Sometimes he notices and othertimes he is so busy with other things he just drinks it anyway. Today at naptime he asked for milk. I splashed a little bit of chocolate in there, but since it was naptime, I used so little the milk was still white, just to paint the picture.
The boy literally takes a sip and throws the cup at me. "Don't like shocklate milk!" "You don't like chocolate milk? Was that chocolate?" "Don't like shocklat milk. Joshie want CLEAN milk." "Clean milk? Does that mean you want plain?" "Mommy go get CLEAN milk." He has spent the rest of the day in a "milk mood" and emphasizing that it better be the clean milk. I could die laughing at him sometimes.

Tonight I set him on my knee.
"You did not listen to Mommy. What happens when we disobey?"
the correct answer would be "A spanking." Joshie's answer?
He covered his butt with his hands. "Don't like it don't like it don't like it!"
"I know you don't like it. That's why it's a punishment. If you would listen to Mommy and do what you are told, you would not get a spanking."
"Mommy needs panpan(spanking)! Mommy turn!"
Hmmmm. My lessons on taking turns and sharing appear to be sinking in......

Another recent Josh-ism, is in numbers and letters. He knows his letters and he sees them and knows to call them his ABCs. Today he wanted me to sing his counting song with/to him. So he thinks about it and says, "Mommy, sing ABC---no.....sing..sing four-five-sixes. Mommy? Sing four-five-sixes?" I told him that is called counting. He looks at me and says, "well, do it, den."

Holley doesn't really have any -isms yet. She is 8 months old now and says "Mama" and "again." Shaun swears she called him "daddy" the other day but on grounds of principle I refuse to acknowledge this.